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SMP32: Text
SMP32: Image

The SMP32 is a modern USB 3.0 MIDI interface with a total of 32 MIDI ports in one single height 19 inch housing.

It has 16 midi input and 16 midi output ports. Input and output activity is displayed via colored LEDs on the front panel.

A SMPTE / MTC display shows the time and framerate.

The 100% fully class compliant device is bus powered  and it works out of the box without the installation of additional drivers on Windows 7, Windows 8.1, Windows 10, Linux and macOS systems (both 32-bit and 64-bit).

If the number of ports is not enough, just add another SMP32 to the same computer.

All off this makes the SMP32 the most powerful USB MIDI interface for your studio.

SMP32: Text


  • USB 3.0 MIDI interface

  • 100% class compliant, works without the installation of a driver

  • USB bus powered

  • 32 MIDI ports, 16 in and 16 out, port 1 in and out also available on the front

  • SMPTE / MTC time display

  • SMPTE to MTC converter

  • Record light relay output

  • multiple units can be used with one computer at a time

  • downwards compatible to USB 2.0 with a USB 2.0 legacy mode

  • dimensions: 19inch, 1HE

SMP32: Text
SMP32: Text


  • not avialable

SMP32: Text
SMP32: Image
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